Prof Dr. Christopher Odhiambo J
Prof Dr C JOdhiambo
Professor of Literature and Applied Drama at Moi University’s Department of Literature, Linguistics, Foreign Languages and Film Studies He holds a PhD in Drama and Theatre Arts from Stellenbosch University (SA). Has published widely in the fields of Literature, Applied Drama/Theatre, Popular Culture and Film. Has presented papers and keynote addresses on various topics in Literature, Theatre and Popular Culture in conferences and Seminars. In 2007 was awarded a two year Mellon Research Fellowship at Wits University at the Department of African Literature and Dramatic Art Division. In 2013 was awarded Wits University’s SPARC Distinguished Scholar Award and is also Alexander van Humboldt Senior Research Fellow. The Currently National Chairman, Kenya National Drama and Film Festival Committee; Co-Covenor of International Drama and Education (IDEA) Congress, 1998 in Kisumu; Spokesperson for the Research Section Arts and Aesthetics at the Moi University-African Cluster Centre of Excellence, Moi University Focal Person for Consortium of Advanced Research and Training in Africa (CARTA), Co-PI in the University of Leeds and Moi University Research on the use of Theatre for Development on Reproductive Health and Youth Sexuality in Kisumu.
Sampled publications:
1. Theatre for Development in Kenya: In Search of Appropriate Procedure and Methodology; Volume Editor with Christine Matzke, Lena van der Hoven and Hilde Roos, African Theatre 19; Opera & Music Theatre (2020)
2. .Guest Editor with Ricarda de Haas, Marie-Anne Kohl and Samuel Ndogo.”Power to the People?”—Patronage, Intervention and Transformation in African Performance Arts” Matatu 5,1 Journal for African, Culture and Society, (2019)
3. ‘In Search of New Performance Spaces: Theatre Practitioners and FM Radio Stations in Kenya” in Ed. Kene Igweonu and Osita Okegbue. Performative Inter-Actions in African Theatre3: Making Space, Rethinking Drama and Theatre in Africa;
4. “Intervention theatre traditions in East Africa and the paradox of patronage”. In East African Literary and Intellectual Landscapes;;
5. In Between of Activism and Education: Intervention Theatre in Kenya” in Ed. Hazel Barnes, Arts, Activism and Therapies: Transforming Communities in Africa. Matatu: Journal for African Culture and Society (No.44).
6. “Theatre for Development: Then and Now”! in Ed. Hazel Barnes, Carol Beck Carter and Warren Nebe. Innovative Methods for Applied Drama and Theatre Practice in African Contexts: Drama for Life. Cambridge. Cambridge Scholars Publishers. 2022. 312-322,
7. “From Live Performances to Screen: Implications on Participation in Theatre for Community Development”. Ed. Silvia Bier/Marie Anne Kohl (Hg.) Offen gedacht: Musik Theater. New York. Newman. 2021. 389-398,
8. Memory, Dialogue and Reconstruction of the Nation in BIGSAS-Workgroup “Track and Traces of Violence” (Ed.) Tracks and Traces of Violence: Representation and Memorialization of Violence, Views from Art, Literature and Anthropology. Berlin and Zurich :LIT VERLAG. 2017. 43-64;
9. “Rhizomic Writing and Reading of a Nation Coming to Birth in Yvonne A. Owuor’s Novel, Dust”. In Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies. DOI:10.1080/23277408.202.1977477 Vol.7 No 4. 12pp.;
10. “Introduction” to African Theatre 19: Opera and Music Theatre” with Volume editors Christine Matzke, Lena van der Hoven and Hilde Roos, 2020: 1-13.;
11. “Introduction: “Power to the People?”—Patronage, Intervention and Transformation in African Performance Arts” with Ricarda de Haas, Marie-Anne Kohl and Samuel Ndogo ” Matatu 5,1 (2019); 1-12.;
12. “He Who Pays the Piper Plays the Tune: The Sponsor’s Imperative and Messaging in S.A.F.E(K)’s film Ni Sisi” in .”Power to the People?”—Patronage, Intervention and Transformation in African Performance Arts” Matatu 5,1 (2019); 64-78.;
13. “Is the ‘post’ in the postcolonial the ‘post’ in postpone? A reading of Dreams deferred in Peter Kimani’s Before the Rooster Crows” LIFT-The Journal of Literature and Performance Arts. No. 1June 2019; 19-30.;
14. With Loreen Maseno“Dramatic Irony as an Intervention Strategy in Two Dholuo Films: Kalausi and The Cleansing” Imbizo. Vol. 9, 2, #5775. 2018. 14pages.; “Kisumu Bus Park and Rabelaisian Colloquialism” Jahazi: Culture Arts Performance. Issue 7, Vol. 1, 2018; Pp. 84-88 Online
Professor of Literature and Applied Drama at Moi University’s Department of Literature, Linguistics, Foreign Languages and Film Studies He holds a PhD in Drama and Theatre Arts from Stellenbosch University (SA). Has published widely in the fields of Literature, Applied Drama/Theatre, Popular Culture and Film. Has presented papers and keynote addresses on various topics in Literature, Theatre and Popular Culture in conferences and Seminars. In 2007 was awarded a two year Mellon Research Fellowship at Wits University at the Department of African Literature and Dramatic Art Division. In 2013 was awarded Wits University’s SPARC Distinguished Scholar Award and is also Alexander van Humboldt Senior Research Fellow. The Currently National Chairman, Kenya National Drama and Film Festival Committee; Co-Covenor of International Drama and Education (IDEA) Congress, 1998 in Kisumu; Spokesperson for the Research Section Arts and Aesthetics at the Moi University-African Cluster Centre of Excellence, Moi University Focal Person for Consortium of Advanced Research and Training in Africa (CARTA), Co-PI in the University of Leeds and Moi University Research on the use of Theatre for Development on Reproductive Health and Youth Sexuality in Kisumu.
Sampled publications:
1. Theatre for Development in Kenya: In Search of Appropriate Procedure and Methodology; Volume Editor with Christine Matzke, Lena van der Hoven and Hilde Roos, African Theatre 19; Opera & Music Theatre (2020)
2. .Guest Editor with Ricarda de Haas, Marie-Anne Kohl and Samuel Ndogo.”Power to the People?”—Patronage, Intervention and Transformation in African Performance Arts” Matatu 5,1 Journal for African, Culture and Society, (2019)
3. ‘In Search of New Performance Spaces: Theatre Practitioners and FM Radio Stations in Kenya” in Ed. Kene Igweonu and Osita Okegbue. Performative Inter-Actions in African Theatre3: Making Space, Rethinking Drama and Theatre in Africa;
4. “Intervention theatre traditions in East Africa and the paradox of patronage”. In East African Literary and Intellectual Landscapes;;
5. In Between of Activism and Education: Intervention Theatre in Kenya” in Ed. Hazel Barnes, Arts, Activism and Therapies: Transforming Communities in Africa. Matatu: Journal for African Culture and Society (No.44).
6. “Theatre for Development: Then and Now”! in Ed. Hazel Barnes, Carol Beck Carter and Warren Nebe. Innovative Methods for Applied Drama and Theatre Practice in African Contexts: Drama for Life. Cambridge. Cambridge Scholars Publishers. 2022. 312-322,
7. “From Live Performances to Screen: Implications on Participation in Theatre for Community Development”. Ed. Silvia Bier/Marie Anne Kohl (Hg.) Offen gedacht: Musik Theater. New York. Newman. 2021. 389-398,
8. Memory, Dialogue and Reconstruction of the Nation in BIGSAS-Workgroup “Track and Traces of Violence” (Ed.) Tracks and Traces of Violence: Representation and Memorialization of Violence, Views from Art, Literature and Anthropology. Berlin and Zurich :LIT VERLAG. 2017. 43-64;
9. “Rhizomic Writing and Reading of a Nation Coming to Birth in Yvonne A. Owuor’s Novel, Dust”. In Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies. DOI:10.1080/23277408.202.1977477 Vol.7 No 4. 12pp.;
10. “Introduction” to African Theatre 19: Opera and Music Theatre” with Volume editors Christine Matzke, Lena van der Hoven and Hilde Roos, 2020: 1-13.;
11. “Introduction: “Power to the People?”—Patronage, Intervention and Transformation in African Performance Arts” with Ricarda de Haas, Marie-Anne Kohl and Samuel Ndogo ” Matatu 5,1 (2019); 1-12.;
12. “He Who Pays the Piper Plays the Tune: The Sponsor’s Imperative and Messaging in S.A.F.E(K)’s film Ni Sisi” in .”Power to the People?”—Patronage, Intervention and Transformation in African Performance Arts” Matatu 5,1 (2019); 64-78.;
13. “Is the ‘post’ in the postcolonial the ‘post’ in postpone? A reading of Dreams deferred in Peter Kimani’s Before the Rooster Crows” LIFT-The Journal of Literature and Performance Arts. No. 1June 2019; 19-30.;
14. With Loreen Maseno“Dramatic Irony as an Intervention Strategy in Two Dholuo Films: Kalausi and The Cleansing” Imbizo. Vol. 9, 2, #5775. 2018. 14pages.; “Kisumu Bus Park and Rabelaisian Colloquialism” Jahazi: Culture Arts Performance. Issue 7, Vol. 1, 2018; Pp. 84-88 Online