Prof. Joram Ngure Kareithi
Biosketch-Joram N.Kareithi
Joram N. Kareithi is an Associate Professor and Lecturer, Department of Sociology Pyschology and Anthropology, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Moi University. He holds a Dphil in Anthropology from Moi University. An Mphil in Anthropology from University of Cambridge and a BA in Anthropology from University of Nairobi. Currently a member Moi University School of Graduate Studies Board, and a former Head of Department of Anthropology and Human Ecology. Research and academic interest are in the area of cultural Anthropology and more specifically in, Economic Anthropology; Development Anthropology; Arid zone livelihoods and Vulnerabilities; food Security; urban poverty and deprivation, and material culture. His doctoral thesis was on food security and livelihoods among the Nomadic Turkana pastoralists of North-Western Kenya. He has successfully supervised 6 PhD candidates and 11 Master of Arts theses all in the area of African studies. He is the spokesperson of Research Section Mobilities in Moi University African Cluster Center. He has participated in several research projects including: “Drought Planning and Rainwater Harvesting for Arid- zone Pastoralists: The Turkana of Kenya” (Funded by Netherlands Israel Research Program -NIRP); “Perceptions of Urban Poverty in Kenya: A Qualitative Study of Deprivation and well being in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya” (Funded by Robert S. Mc Namara Fellowships Program-World Bank Institute Grants and Scholarships Section); “The Challenge of Orphan Fosterage in the Era of HIV/AIDS in North Rift Region Kenya”, a corroborative research (Sponsored by Organisation of Social Science Research in Eastern Africa and Southern Africa (OSSREA) senior scholars programme.).