Prof. Fabio Baqueiro Figueiredo(right)-Research Fellow for year 2024, being welcomed at the Moi African Cluster Centre by Prof. Tom Mboya, Academics Coordinator, Moi ACC on 20th March 2024. Prof Fabio is a professor of African History at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) in Brazil, and is on a three month research Fellowship at Moi University, and based at the Moi cluster centre.

Fabio visits deanschool of arts and social sciences moi university prof. mary wahome

Fabio visit to the dean of arts and social sciences at Moi University, Prof. Mary WahomeFabio at Margaret Thatcher Library Moi University

    Fabio being taken through the Moi e-resources, the Moi ACC d-space



Prof. Fabio joins the Moi African cluster members for their wednesday's meetings